Thursday, May 22, 2014

lost 14 kgs

Dear Blog,

Since my journey has started in November 2013, I lost 13,5 kgs in total and get in to a totally different shape of body-never had it in my life.

This is not only about loosing weight, this is about a change. absolute change.

I decided to go for 8 more kgs, and go on with my diet and fitness plans.

Oh, by the way, I moved to Turkey.

I changed my job.

I changed my house.

I changed almost everything.

A new person now :)

Monday, November 25, 2013

Result after 3 weeks

I haven't been blogging for a little while, but that does not mean that I forgot you  ;)

Here is the big news !!!

I lost 3.1 kgs already (in 24 days) !!!!!

I will tell you more in the next entry but I thought this result deserves a heading by itself haha !!

Ofcourse, special thanks goes to my personal trainer Taufan Homan !!!

And special thanks to myself,  my mind that decided to do this and my mouth that said no to many things, hahahah  ;)

Congratulations, ME !

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

maintanence ?

                                                                     am not there yet...

I started this week with a stomach flu, followed up by a fever today. So, not so good news and I have to cancel my training for tomorrow as I don’t have any energy at all…L

I feel like my body needed a maintanence period; I had a very busy October and still having a busy November. So, need to listen what my body is saying now.

I haven’t had the chance to log about 13th and 16th November yet. So, I thought now that I am sick at home, I can try to write as much as I can about those two sessions.

-First time, I have used Keiser functional trainer. I loved  it !!

-Ball pass: Piew, more difficult than I thought :) This is done with a pilates ball.

-Push ups: Oh oh, I am not able to do this at all -yet... I need to try to home first before I try again with my PT. So, push ups for beginners, there you go :

- Chocolate Muesli bar:

The session that I had on Saturday for me was called  "Chocolate muesli bar", as I had one during the week, send a photo to my PT, and we tried to burn it on Saturday.
 Result: Never a muesli bar again !!! :D

                                                                 say no, no, no, no      

-Food: I am not so happy with my weight loss yet... :( So, not so good news in terms of scale. Eating out, eating irregular during the office hours is killing my goal. I need to be more careful about it.

Coming up next:  Finally, in the next entry, I will write about where I go for personal training workouts.Here is the link for a quick check ;)

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

oh dear, I shall be late

I can write only this evening, I was so busy from Sunday until now !

I went to my personal training (PT) on Saturday; since then please guess what I did ?? Yeah, right, I was in front of my computer including Sunday... :) 

Therefore, I am about to burst with energy. I have this big ball in my stomach now, that I have to kick this ball out of my system. It will be out tomorrow as my next session is tomorrow. Nothing can describe my feelings better than this :)

I want to give a few reflections about last Saturday, as I had a bit different session than the previous ones that I had. Well, well, we worked on my upper body ! You know what I mean ? It means: work out on abs, arms, shoulders, it means exercises on the ground, it means crunches, it means lifting some weights, it means take a deep breath, and do it, take a deeper breath and not able to do it after the 5th or the 10th :)

I was distracted many times during my session on Saturday; had many things floating in my mind. So, it wasn't a very smooth session as I was somewhere else in my mind and then was coming back to the room again. This is something that I should learn, as I realized if that is the case, I just can not function well, I give up...I gave up couple of times on Saturday. Many thanks to my personal trainer, I kept on going. He is the definition of patience :) 

OK, and here is a new toy for me: famous "kettle bell".

It is pretty obvious that you hold it from the handle and exercise with it. But, doing this one below is not that easy... As from the ground to upper level, it has to go fast, otherwise I am not able to lift it smooth and even I can not carry all the way up if I go slow. So, speed is the key in doing this. 

The other toy is a bag - no, it is not like the ones that I have (as I am crazy about bags :) ) It is a "Challenge Bag".

I saw this and thought, oh, I will just hug it and carry around... but no, I had squats ;) Apparently, you can do all sorts of exercises with this one, see the video. I do not hear many screams in this one though :)

And I had many crunches (I do not know after how many years...).

Result : Sunday, very little pain. Monday morning OKish, Monday lunch time, I stood up from the lunch table and I could not keep straight...oh my ab muscles !!! oh dear, what happened, why all this ab muscle pain now :D

Human body is amazing, it responds, whatever you do, it responds so quickly...

Because it was continuously sitting for me for 3 days since Saturday, I look forward to my session tomorrow. Actually, I think I want to have muscle pain again, as sitting and not having pain felt much worse this time. 6 pack is very far away for now, but maybe I will get there some day :) 


Here is tonight's song before I sleep - do you recognize the places in this video ? :))))

Have a good sleep / Welterusten.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

bread wars

My second day today without bread ! It is difficult, but I will do this !

For breakfasts, I started to have yogurt and fruit for now. I think this is fine now, I am a little hungry around 11 am then I have another fruit or eat the rest of the yogurt :)

I eat more and more fruit, as I am hungry more often. I think this is probably expected, so no surprises that I feel more hungry.

I will again go out and try to run as much as I can. This feeling is all new for me, as normally I arrive home and bumm, collapse on the couch. Now, I feel like moving and moving after an office day. Something is happening with me...:D

Let's see how much I will be able to run this time.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

run run, Alice :)

I am hoping that this rain will stop so that I can go for running even if it is just for 15 minutes.

The good news is that I have less pain today, and I think the reason is the warm bath I had immediately after I arrive home. Last time, I let my muscles to rest for an hour before I went to the shower.So, the best thing is to have a shower immediately I guess...

I feel like I am in a school, that I learn new things and observe, observe and observe. Happy !

The nice thing is that when I share with people that I started doing this, they are very interested. I like to talk about it more and more.

Fingers crossed; I will finish one thing about my work then I go out, please don't rain !!!

Result: I was out in total 26 minutes ! :) I haven't run for such a long time, and I listened to my breath. Much better ! The only problem was, I had pain... So not sure if I wasn't running correctly, have no idea what caused this pain... So, I wasn't fully running for 26 minutes, but in the end probably around 18 minutes I guess.

But despite my pain (again), I am happy that I went out-despite this crazy wind ! (was not raining, so lucky me !)

Amazing song ! Reminds me of my childhood, when my brother was listening to their cassette. He was playing good basketball during that time, he was always a sportive guy. Still, he is - now training for and running marathons in Turkey :)

Goodnight !

Oh, before I forget, I only ate one slice of bread today ! Proud of myself !

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

a bit better, but...

I came back from my personal training session. I thought I did slightly better than the previous time. At least, I felt better while doing it; my breath gets better :)

However, I feel a bit guilty, as the scale did not give me good news this time. But when we talked, we found the reasons, two dinner with fish but mashed patatoes, two cocktails. You see, my "No mechanism did not work this time as I thought "oh well, I exercised on Saturday, so I can have the cocktails". Apparently it does not work like this (well, I knew it, right ?)...:)

So, for now, I need to cut on: bread - I have 4-5 slices everyday (pasta, pizza, I have already cut it), cheese (I love cheeseee, who doesn't ?), cafe lattes, wine, cocktails.

Short update on my session now as I am really getting sleepy now :)

-Today, it went better with the jumping rope ! I start to like it !

-Something new today: similar to low box training in the video, although the speed in this one is amazing !

- I was a bit unbalanced today, so need to improve this one...

I had some more ofcourse, but now time to sleep.

Sweet dreams !